Good Luck to our KHS BETA CLUB as they attend State Convention in Baton Rouge!
By: A. Fontenot- Media Arts class
The National Beta Club has been around since 1934. Beta is a club that is centered around leaders and intelligent individuals. There are now more than 445,000 active members and more than 9,600 clubs nationally and internationally. Beta has become the nation's largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization. Here at Kaplan High, we value Beta Club . We strive to do our best in everything we do and compete at state and national levels. We also strive to lead and help others. Although Kaplan High Beta consists of all these things, we are best known for our group talent performances and placings.
Group Talent Large Group consists of thirteen or more people who have five minutes to perform. It consists of much creativity and innovation, communication, and collaboration. There is much work put into making a performance each year. The time and dedication from sponsors, students, parents, and choreographers are tremendous. At Kaplan High, our time to practice is limited due to other school activities our students take part in. It takes multiple times of practices to get it correct, but Kaplan High Beta goes all out to be the best it can be. We go back to placing in many years but the most recent placings are as of 2019-2020-3rd, 2020-2021-1st, 2021-2022-3rd at state levels, and 2020-2021-5th and 2021-2022-7th at national levels.
Kaplan High Beta members all participate in many different Beta activities, but most of our club makes up our talent group. We enjoy working together every week and becoming closer to one another through Beta. Beta helps to make us the best we can be academically and in the outside world. Just by participating in group talent, you can be taught many different skills such as cooperation, social skills, and leadership.
To any new member, the most common suggestion is for them to participate in group talent. We have a lot of fun while still working hard. Kaplan High Beta is a welcoming and enjoyably fun place for everyone. We enjoy working with one another and doing our best to be the best we can be.